3 Ways Automation Enhanced Worker Safety on the Production Floor

3 Ways Automation Enhanced Worker Safety on the Production Floor

Rising shipping and delivery demands require businesses to implement automation solutions that can redefine warehouse operations. This is because the right automation solutions can revolutionize supply chains with real-time visibility and improved productivity, even during labor shortages. Studies indicate that nine in 10  decision-makers expect to seek outside resources to help identify and execute warehouse optimization and automation solutions. Implementing automation solutions can also significantly enhance worker safety, as studies estimate that 84%  of decision-makers feel it would be safe to have warehouse associates work alongside robotics solutions. It’s even more important to enhance worker safety during labor shortages, but with increasing challenges for social distancing, real-time alerts, and faster workflows, it’s virtually mandatory. Shortages prevent faster workflows and real-time alerts which causes workforce safety and productivity to decline. To combat this, warehouses are turning to asset tracking solutions like RFID and wireless connectivity solutions.


Ensure safety and productivity with Bar Code Depot and Zebra.

Enhancing safety on the production floor starts with a more connected workforce with real-time visibility into operations. This is achievable by implementing RFID solutions and wireless connectivity solutions. That’s why Bar Code Depot and Zebra partner to bring innovative RFID and wireless connectivity solutions that implement real-time alerts and faster workflows to help ensure worker safety and meet the demands of labor shortages. Bar Code Depot and Zebra’s hands-free technology solutions enhance worker safety on the production floor with…


  1. Redefined team decision-making and streamlined connectivity – Empowering your production floor with real-time communication access wherever and whenever they help connect the workforce to stay safe. Equip your workers with secured messaging and push-to-talk capabilities that achieve this with Zebra’s Workforce Connect. This solution unifies different departments onto a single platform for easier data access to help them make informed decisions.
  2. Improved accuracy and visibility with enterprise-class printing – Tracking your assets in real-time with RFID technology helps distributors avoid unnecessary errors and reduce out-of-stocks to improve productivity and safety on the production floor. This can be ensured with reliable label and tag printing options, like Zebra’s ZT600 RFID industrial printers, that deliver real-time data to your workers and help them accurately print and encode RAIN RFID labels, tags, and cards where and when they need to. This helps simplify warehouse management and reduce distribution expenses.
  3. Reliable data capture capabilities and flexibility – Implementing best-in-class RFID read performance, like Zebra’s MC3330xR RFID reader, helps redefine inventory management with a new level of efficiency and accuracy. Faster capture and an expanded range for reading barcodes help improve social distancing, create smoother workflows, and give workers real-time data access. Empowering a more efficient data capture process with handheld RFID readers boosts safety and productivity on your production floor because workers are more aware of and capable of completing tasks.


Enhance production safety with automation solutions that deliver smoother workflows and real-time data access. Contact Bar Code Depot to keep your workers safe.